Light weight and easy to install the medallion. Measures 24 inches in diameter. Features an elegant finish of white on gold background in the shape of a four leaf clover. This versatile design would be appropriate in a trendy transitional home setting. It brings a current flair that would update even a classic traditional home, capturing the contemporary trend in new home construction of adding trays to plain ceilings. This three dimensional ceiling will add beauty for the owner to enjoy as well as value to your property investment. Prior to Masterpiece Moldings creation of this series, the only way to have had an advanced ceiling with this level of design would have been a very expensive addition and an owner willing to take on an elaborate installation project, requiring carpenters, finishers and in some instances even artists. One of the best parts about this item is that installation could not have been made easier, as the outer ring is created with intermittent spaces designed specifically as the locations needed for installing the simple hollow wall anchors not provide.