Woman with Head Foot and Owl Head-footer Statue by Hieronymos Bosch museum replica. At the bottom of the left-hand panel of the Hermit Saints Triptych walks a head-footer among the fantastic animals. The creatures anatomical inconsistencies are hidden by a turban. Bosch here continues a classical Greek tradition in which leaving out large areas of the body was seen as frightening. An owl nests on the torso-less beings head. Here it does not symbolizes wisdom, like Athena's owl, but deception and scheming. After all, this bird of prey was thought to surprise innocent, sleeping prey in the dark. This statue is an adaptation of an original painting of the Hermit Saints Triptych by Hieronymus Bosch. This replica is part a Museum Collection of Hieronymus Bosch figurines. Comes with a color description card about the museum replica. Made of a durable designer resin and hand painted. The Hermit Saints Triptych by Bosch -This triptych depicts three early Christian saints who lived in complete isolation to protect themselves from earthly temptation. From left to right, Saint Anthony, who lived in the Egyptian desert, Saint Jerome who lived in Bethlehem and Saint Giles, who lived as a hermit in southern France.