Saint Prosdocimus of Padua Italian Prosdocimo German Prosdozimus is venerated as the first bishop of Padua. Of Greek origin, tradition holds that he was sent from Antioch by Saint Peter the Apostle. Thus, he is often depicted in art with this Apostle. The cathedral at Feltre is dedicated to him and Saint Peter the Apostle. He evangelized the region and is said to have founded the parish church at Isola Vicentina.His tomb is situated at the Basilica of Santa Giustina at Padua. The chapel dedicated to him there was built over his tomb outside the walls of Padua. Depicted as a bishop holding a jar. spiritual father according to a medieval source. He is depicted wearing a Benedictine habit. This sculpture comes in a bronze patina only. Please feel free to e-mail for more photos. May be in stock so please call us at 1-877-675-2634 for availability.