The "Boy Extracting Thorn" statue, also known as "Spinario" or "Fedelino," is an enduring symbol of classical antiquity and artistic ingenuity. This captivating sculpture portrays a young boy seated and deeply focused on removing a thorn from his foot, embodying a moment of delicate human vulnerability and concentration. The original "Spinario" dates back to the 1st century BCE and is believed to be a Roman copy of a lost Greek bronze from the Hellenistic period (3rd to 1st century BCE), renowned for its naturalism and expressive detail. The statue represents the Greek aesthetic ideal of portraying everyday life and human emotion, capturing a narrative moment rather than a mythological or heroic scene. The intricate detailing of the boy's posture, the intense concentration on his face, and the lifelike rendering of his form highlight the advanced sculptural techniques of the time, demonstrating a high level of skill and realism. The most famous version of this statue is housed in the Capitoline Museums in Rome, where it continues to be admired for its artistic and historical significance. Over centuries, the statue has inspired countless artists and has been replicated in various forms. The "Boy Extracting Thorn" has been a source of fascination throughout history, resonating across cultures and eras as a timeless piece of art that speaks to the universal aspects of the human condition. This modern reproduction captures the essence and detail of the original masterpiece, preserving the spirit and skill of the ancient artisans. Made with precision and respect for classical techniques, this sculpture is a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient art. Also known as the Spinario Fedelino Sculpture, this piece is even more impressive in person, showcasing its highly detailed craftsmanship. The original statue can be found at the Palazzo dei Conservatori in Rome, with a copy at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Thought to represent Marcius, a Roman messenger, or alternatively a conscientious shepherd boy, this classical sculpture will be a prized addition to any art collection. Imported from Italy, made of bonded marble and attached to a museum quality alabaster base.